
Before filling out any form please help us figure out what service is best for you using the Contact Us page to reach out and get a consolation.

Client Registration & Liability Release

All clients participating in our programs must complete this form. If you are filling out a Youth Intake or Adult Intake form, you are also required to submit a separate Client Registration & Liability Release Form for each individual. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL REQUESTED.

FCVA Youth Intake

This form is intended for clients under the age of 18 that have been requested to complete the Intake by Flying Changes staff. This information is helpful in guiding the equine activities and plans while working with the Flying Changes team. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL REQUESTED.

FCVA Adult Intake

This form is intended for clients over the age of 18 that have been requested to complete the Intake by Flying Changes staff. This information is helpful in guiding the equine activities and plans while working with the Flying Changes team. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL REQUESTED.

FCVA Workshop Registration

This form is intended for participants in group workshops that have been requested to complete this by Flying Changes staff. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL REQUESTED.